After its fastest rate of growth ever during the 1980s and 1990s, the rate of growth of world population is expected to slow dramatically in the twenty-first century. The function

G(t) = 1.58e−0.213t
gives the projected annual average percent population growth per decade in the tth decade, with t = 1 corresponding to 2000.†
(a) What will the projected annual average population growth rate be in 2020 (t = 3)? (Round your answer to two decimal places.)

_____% per decade

(b) How fast will the projected annual average population growth rate be changing in 2020 (t = 3)? (Round your answer to two decimal places.)
_____% per decade per decade

To find the projected annual average population growth rate in 2020 (t = 3), we can substitute t = 3 into the function G(t) = 1.58e^(-0.213t).

(a) To calculate this, substitute t = 3 into the function:

G(3) = 1.58e^(-0.213 * 3)

Using a calculator or computer software, evaluate the expression:

G(3) ≈ 1.58e^(-0.639)

The resulting value is approximately 0.5290.

Therefore, the projected annual average population growth rate in 2020 (t = 3) is 0.5290. Converting this to a percentage, we get 52.90%.

So, the answer to part (a) is:

Projected annual average population growth rate in 2020 (t = 3): 52.90% per decade

Now, let's move on to part (b) to find the rate of change of the projected annual average population growth rate in 2020 (t = 3).

To find the rate of change of G(t), we need to calculate its derivative:

G'(t) = (-0.213) * 1.58e^(-0.213t)

For part (b), we need to find the value of G'(3).

G'(3) = (-0.213) * 1.58e^(-0.213 * 3)

Again, using a calculator or computer software, evaluate the expression:

G'(3) ≈ (-0.213) * 1.58e^(-0.639)

The resulting value is approximately -0.2441.

Therefore, the rate of change of the projected annual average population growth rate in 2020 (t = 3) is -0.2441. Converting this to a percentage, we get -24.41%.

So, the answer to part (b) is:

Rate of change of the projected annual average population growth rate in 2020 (t = 3): -24.41% per decade per decade.