In the painting Adoration of the Kings by Gerard David, I have to decide where the linear perspective is leading toward and i think its leading toward the Madonna and Child ? But i want to make sure. Am i right?

No wait, actually i think its the houses in the far back its leading towards.

To determine where the linear perspective is leading in a painting, you can follow these steps:

1. Look for converging lines: Linear perspective is created by using diagonal lines that converge at a vanishing point. Examine the painting and identify any lines that appear to converge.

2. Find the vanishing point: The vanishing point is the point on the horizon where the converging lines meet. Locate the vanishing point in the painting.

3. Determine the direction: Once you have identified the vanishing point, determine the direction in which the converging lines are leading. Are they leading towards a specific area or object in the painting?

Now, let's apply these steps to your question about the painting "Adoration of the Kings" by Gerard David.

In this painting, you will notice several architectural elements, such as the colonnades, arches, and steps, which contribute to the creation of linear perspective. By following the converging lines created by these elements, you can determine the vanishing point and the direction in which the perspective leads.

Upon observing the painting, you may find that the converging lines lead toward the central figure of the Madonna and Child. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the linear perspective in "Adoration of the Kings" by Gerard David leads toward the Madonna and Child.

However, it is important to note that interpretations of artwork can vary, and different viewers may have different perspectives. Therefore, while your interpretation seems plausible based on the principles of linear perspective, it is essential to consider other factors and seek further analysis to gain a holistic understanding of the artwork.