38 milliamps to amps (Round answer to the nearest thousandth.)

To convert milliamps to amps, you need to divide the value by 1000.

38 milliamps / 1000 = 0.038 amps

Rounded to the nearest thousandth, 38 milliamps is equal to approximately 0.038 amps.

To convert milliamps (mA) to amps (A), you need to divide the value in milliamps by 1000.

Step-by-step guide to converting 38 milliamps to amps:

1. Take the value of 38 milliamps.
2. Divide it by 1000: 38 / 1000 = 0.038 amps.

Therefore, 38 milliamps is equal to 0.038 amps (rounded to the nearest thousandth).

1 milliampere = 0.001 amperes

38 * 0.001 = ?