George Polya has a four-step process for Problem Solving. What is the

first step?

The first step of George Polya's four-step process for Problem Solving is to Understand the Problem.

The first step in George Polya's problem-solving process is called "Understanding the problem." To understand the problem, you need to carefully read and analyze it in order to grasp its complete context and requirements. Here's how you can apply this step:

1. Read the problem statement multiple times to ensure you understand the question or task clearly.
2. Identify the key information provided in the problem, such as the given data and any constraints or limitations on the solution.
3. Determine what the problem is asking you to find or achieve.
4. Break down the problem into smaller parts or subproblems if necessary, to better understand its structure or relationships.
5. Consider any relevant background knowledge or concepts that might be useful in solving the problem.

By following these steps, you can gain a better understanding of the problem at hand and lay the foundation for successfully finding a solution.

The first step in George Polya's four-step process for problem solving is understanding the problem.