What is the molecularity of each of the following elementary reactions?

A. O+O2+N2----> O3+N2+
B. NO2Cl + Cl---> NO2 + Cl2
C. Cl + H2 ---> HCl + H
D. CS2----> CS + S



To determine the molecularity of an elementary reaction, we need to determine the number of reactant molecules or atoms involved in the rate-determining step of the reaction. The molecularity of a reaction can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.

Let's analyze each reaction to determine the molecularity:

A. O+O2+N2 ----> O3 + N2

In this reaction, there are three reactant molecules involved: O, O2, and N2. However, it is important to note that this equation is not balanced as there is no product after the "+" sign. Assuming there is a missing product, we can still determine the molecularity based on the reactants.

Since there are three reactant molecules, the molecularity of this reaction would be 3.

B. NO2Cl + Cl ----> NO2 + Cl2

In this reaction, there are two reactant molecules involved: NO2Cl and Cl. The rate-determining step involves both of these reactants. Therefore, the molecularity of this reaction would be 2.

C. Cl + H2 ----> HCl + H

In this reaction, there are two reactant molecules involved: Cl and H2. The rate-determining step involves both of these reactants. Therefore, the molecularity of this reaction would be 2.

D. CS2 ----> CS + S

In this reaction, there is only one reactant molecule: CS2. This means that the rate-determining step involves only CS2. Therefore, the molecularity of this reaction would be 1.

To summarize the molecularity of each reaction:
A. Molecularity = 3
B. Molecularity = 2
C. Molecularity = 2
D. Molecularity = 1

The molecularity of a reaction refers to the number of reactant species involved in the rate-determining step of the reaction.

A. In the reaction O+O2+N2 ---> O3+N2, there are three reactant species involved: O, O2, and N2. Therefore, the molecularity of this reaction is 3.

B. In the reaction NO2Cl + Cl ---> NO2 + Cl2, there are four reactant species involved: NO2Cl, Cl, NO2, and Cl2. Therefore, the molecularity of this reaction is 4.

C. In the reaction Cl + H2 ---> HCl + H, there are two reactant species involved: Cl and H2. Therefore, the molecularity of this reaction is 2.

D. In the reaction CS2 ---> CS + S, there is only one reactant species involved: CS2. Therefore, the molecularity of this reaction is 1.