DBQ underground railroad

What is your question?

The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses that were used by enslaved African Americans to escape from the Southern states to the free Northern states or Canada during the early to mid-19th century. If you are looking for information about the Underground Railroad for a DBQ (Document-Based Question) assignment, here are some steps you can follow to research and gather information:

1. Start by reading your DBQ prompt or question carefully to understand what specific information or analysis you need to provide.
2. Begin your research by looking for primary sources such as diaries, letters, newspaper articles, or any other documents written during the time period of the Underground Railroad. These primary sources will provide you with firsthand accounts and insights into the experiences of those involved in the Underground Railroad.
3. Visit your school or local library and search for books, articles, or academic journals that discuss the Underground Railroad. Look for reputable sources written by historians or experts in the field to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information you find.
4. Online databases and archives can also be valuable resources for your research. Websites like the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, National Park Service, and National Archives have online collections that contain documents and information related to the Underground Railroad.
5. Take notes as you gather information, making sure to record the source of each piece of information. This will allow you to properly cite your sources later on and avoid plagiarism.
6. Analyze the information you have gathered in order to develop an answer to the DBQ prompt or question. Look for patterns, common themes, or differing perspectives that will help you form your argument or thesis statement.
7. Organize your response by creating an outline or a flowchart to ensure that you include all the necessary information in your essay.
8. Write your essay, making sure to support your arguments with evidence from the documents and sources you have found. Cite your sources properly using a citation style recommended by your instructor (such as MLA or APA).
9. Proofread and revise your essay to ensure clarity and coherence.

Remember, the Underground Railroad was a challenging topic because much of the information was kept secret, so it is important to critically analyze the sources you find and consider the biases or limitations they might have.