33. "¿Siempre obedecias a tus padres cuando eras niña?" "No, eras muy _____."

a. obediente y bien educada
b. maleducada y timida
c. consentida y bien educada
d. desobediente y maleducada

38. "De pequeño, ¿cómo eras?" "____ que era timido."
a. Lloro
b. molesto
c. recuerdo
d. me porto

40. Cuando era pequena, Marta siempre ____ a sus padres.
a. ayudo
b. ayudaba
c. ayuda
d. ayudas

41. "¿Por qué desobedecian Uds. a la profesora en la escuela primaria?" "Porque ___ ninos muy consentidos."
a. ibamos
b. fuimos
c. estamos
d. éramos

42. "Cuando eran niños, ¿adónde iban Uds. a jugar?" "____ al patio de recreo, por supuesto"
a. Éramos
b. vamos
c. veíamos
d. íbamos

I'll send this to Sra.

46. "Cuando eran pequeños, ¿tocaban Uds. algunos instrumentos musicales?" "Sí, ___ el violin y el piano."

a. tocaba
b. tocaban
c. tocamos
d. tocábamos

47. "¿Qué programas de television te gustaban más?" "Me gustaban más las comedias. Yo las _____ a menudo."
a. iba
b. veia
c. comia
d. vivían

51. Anoche en la fiesta de cumpleanos de mi hermana, le dimos un pastel con demasiadas velas. Ella no puedo ____

a. celebrarlas
b. saludarlas
c. apagarlas
d. regalarlas

d, c, b, d, d, d, b

It would have been better for "Elias" to put numbers with the letters. I think one is missing.

33. I suspect the answer should have been: "No, era..." D

38. C

40. b (always used to = Imperfect)

41. D

42. D

46. D. Look at the verb in the question "tocaban Uds." which will require a plural answer as well in the Imperfect = WE used to

47. B

51. The verb must be pudo... C

You got most of them!


Thanks! :D

33. The correct answer is option d. "desobediente y maleducada." This can be determined by understanding the context of the conversation. The first person is asked if they always obeyed their parents when they were a child, to which they respond "No, eras muy _____." The adjective "desobediente" means "disobedient" and the adjective "maleducada" means "rude/impolite." Therefore, the correct option is d.

38. The correct answer is option c. "recuerdo." This can be determined by understanding the context of the conversation. The first person is asked how they were when they were a child, to which they respond "____ que era tímido." The blank space indicates a verb is needed. The verb "recuerdo" means "remember." Therefore, the correct option is c.

40. The correct answer is option c. "ayuda." This can be determined by understanding the context of the sentence and the tense being used. The sentence is talking about Marta's actions when she was a child, indicating past tense. The verb "ayuda" is in present tense, so it doesn't fit the context. The verb "ayudaba" means "used to help" and is in past tense, matching the context. Therefore, the correct option is b.

41. The correct answer is option d. "éramos." This can be determined by understanding the context and the conjugation of the verb. The question asks why they disobeyed their teacher in primary school, to which they respond "Porque ___ niños muy consentidos." The verb "éramos" means "we were" and matches the context and tense. Therefore, the correct option is d.

42. The correct answer is option d. "íbamos." This can be determined by understanding the context of the conversation and the conjugation of the verb. The second person is asked where they used to go to play when they were children, to which they respond "____ al patio de recreo, por supuesto." The verb "íbamos" means "we used to go" and matches the context and tense. Therefore, the correct option is d.