Find surface area of a sphere with a circumference of 40ft

I came up with 509.3ft^2 does that sound right

Mrs Sue is a idiot

Mrs Sue is a i d i o t

r = c/2pi

a = 4pi*r^2 = 4pi(c/2pi)^2 = c^2/pi = 1600/pi

Steve would you possibly be abe to help me with this one?

Use formula to find the lateral area and surface prism area of the given prism.
ends=7m and 7.28m
not sure how to explain can give answer choices if that might help;

The volume of a sphere is 1,476 m (sqr 3). What is the surface area of the sphere to the nearest tenth?

V = (4/3) * pi * r^3

1,476m^(sqr3) = (4/3) * pi * r^3

r^3 = (1,476m^(sqr3) * 3) / (4 pi)

r = 13.8m (rounded to nearest tenth)

A = 4 * pi * r^2

A = 2,389.8m^2 (rounded to nearest tenth)

What is the scale factor of a cube with a volume of 729 m(sqr3)to a cube with a volume 6.859 m(sqr m)?

Let the scale factor be "x".

The volume of the smaller cube is 6.859 m³.
The volume of the larger cube is 729 m³.

Since volume of a cube is proportional to the cube of its side length,

(x * s)^3 = 6.859
s = cuberoot(6.859/x^3)


(x * s)^3 = 729
s = cuberoot(729/x^3)

Equating s,

cuberoot(6.859/x^3) = cuberoot(729/x^3)

(6.859/x^3)^(1/3) = (729/x^3)^(1/3)

6.859^(1/3) / x = 9 / x

x = (6.859^(1/3)) * (1/9)
x ≈ 0.3

Therefore, the scale factor of the cubes is approximately 0.3.

O is the center of the given circle. The measure of angle O is 134 degrees. Assuming that lines that appear to be tangent are tangent, what is the value of x?

We need more information about the diagram or problem description to determine what x might represent. Could you please provide additional context or details?

C = pi * d

40 = 3.14d
40/3.14 = d
12.7389 = d