is there anyone online that can help me with math questions ?

i have A LOT!


Within the next hour or two, I'm sure there will be two or three math tutors online.

Please post two or three of your questions with your ideas about how to solve them. Someone will be glad to help you then.

thanks you so much;

is there any way you'll be able ot let me know so that i can continue to work on my other math ?

Post your two or three questions along with your ideas about how to solve them and/or details about what you don't understand. Someone will help relatively soon. Just follow Ms. Sue's suggestion. The help will come as responses to your questions.

Yes, there are many online resources available that can help you with math questions. Here are some options:

1. Math Q&A Websites: You can visit websites like Math Stack Exchange or MathOverflow, where you can post your specific math questions and receive answers from a community of mathematicians and math enthusiasts. Make sure to read the guidelines for asking questions on each website to receive helpful responses.

2. Online Math Tutoring Platforms: Platforms like, Khan Academy, and Mathway offer online tutoring services where you can get one-on-one help from professional math tutors. These services usually involve paid subscriptions or credits, but they can provide personalized assistance and guidance on a wide range of math topics.

3. Math Forums and Discussion Boards: Joining math forums or discussion boards can be a great way to get help with your math questions. Websites like,, and have active communities of users who are ready to answer questions and provide explanations.

4. Social Media: Utilize social media platforms like Twitter or Reddit to find math-related communities or accounts that can help you with your questions. There are dedicated math subreddits or Twitter accounts where math experts and enthusiasts offer their assistance.

Remember, when seeking help online, it is important to provide clear and specific information about your question to ensure accurate answers. Additionally, it is beneficial to show your work and explain the steps you have already tried, as this can help others understand your thought process and provide more targeted assistance.