What is the inverse of matrix A, to the nearest tenth?

-2 7
A= 6 -8

Three questions of the same type!!!

For any 2x2 matrix of the form
a b
c d

first find the denominator to be used for each term of the inverse matrix
which is (ad - bc)

a b --> d -b
c d --> -c a

now divide each of the new terms by the denominator you found

-2 7
6 -8

the denominator will be 16 - 42 = -26

and the inverse is
(-8/-26) (-7/-26)
(-6/-26) (-2/-26)

(4/13) (7/26)
(3/13) (1/13)

Do the other two questions the same way

Here is a good page to see how to set it up