Please HELP!!

six times a number subtract three the number

simplified the expression

6n - 3

thank you!

You're welcome.

To translate the expression "six times a number subtract three the number," we can break it down step by step:

1. Start with a variable to represent the number. Let's say the variable is "x."
2. Translate "six times a number" by multiplying 6 by the variable: 6x.
3. Translate "subtract three the number" by subtracting 3 from the variable: x - 3.

So, the translated expression is 6x - 3.

Now, to simplify the expression 6x - 3, there's not much we can do since it is already in its simplest form. However, if you need to factor or combine like terms, you can do so if the expression allows for it. But in this case, the expression is already simplified.