I'm stuck on this 1 math problem. I've tried many ways to figure it out, but I can't. The problem is; 2(3x-5)>2x+6.



First of all you may want to simplify the left side of the inequality.

We get:


Now, I don't now if you have any experience in solving regular equations, but inequalities work in exactly the same way. The only exception to this is that when you transfer a minus sign from one side to another you have to change the inequality symbol(e.g. -1<5 so 1>-5)

So, if we treat the inequality as an equation, we get that:

=> 6x>2x+16
=> 4x>16
=> x>4

To solve the inequality 2(3x-5) > 2x+6, you need to isolate the variable x. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Distribute the 2 on the left side of the equation:
6x - 10 > 2x + 6

2. Next, bring all the x terms to one side of the equation. To do this, subtract 2x from both sides:
6x - 2x - 10 > 2x - 2x + 6
4x - 10 > 6

3. Now, isolate the variable x by adding 10 to both sides of the inequality:
4x - 10 + 10 > 6 + 10
4x > 16

4. Finally, divide both sides by 4 to solve for x. Since we are dividing by a positive number, the inequality sign stays the same:
(4x)/4 > 16/4
x > 4

So, the solution to the inequality 2(3x-5) > 2x+6 is x > 4.