I have a math worksheet and it is SO confusing. can anyone help. the question on the worksheet is IN MUSIC WHAT DOES "ALLEGRO" MEAN? it's page 190. PPPPLLLLLLLLZZZZZZZZ. like right now i need the answer. i looked it up on google what allegro means and it said a very fast tempo. is that right? it was way to short!

what did the girl volcano say to the boy volcano

I Lava You!

A line of chorus girls

A line of chorus girls.

This school stuff wack

A line of chorus girls, BECAUSE chorus girls are girls who kick their legs up high while dancing, so a leg row is a line of chorus girls.

ik the pun is bad

my mom

A line of chorus girls, even though it doesn't make sense -.-

Like "a leg girl" "allegro" get it now? Lol it took me a second

ur mum


So the answer is, A line of chorus girls and I dont get it how does allegro mean a line of chorus girls

If you solve the math problems correctly, you'll find the answer.