if i was going on the same web you gave me and i wanted to study there,but if its a different book, what do i type in?

If you are using the same website that I provided and you want to study a different book, you would need to search for that specific book within the website's search bar or navigation menu.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Open the website.
2. Look for a search bar located somewhere on the website. It is typically placed at the top of the page or in the sidebar.
3. Click on the search bar to activate it.
4. Type the name of the book you want to study into the search bar.
5. Press the Enter key or click the search icon/button.
6. The website will then display the search results related to the book you entered.
7. Navigate through the search results and find the specific book you are interested in.
8. Click on the book or its title to access the details and study materials.

If the website does not have a search function, look for menus, categories, or sections within the website that may feature different books. You can explore these sections to find the specific book you want to study.