How do I know why someone wrote a journal(history) or why we still read it today?

People write journals to record significant events and feelings in their lives. We read some journals today because we want to know about history or this particular person.

thanks! Just as I thought just wanted to make sure

To understand why someone wrote a journal or why we still read historical journals today, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the journal and its author: Start by figuring out the specific journal you're interested in and the author who wrote it. This will provide important context for understanding their motivations.

2. Research the historical background: Explore the historical period in which the journal was written. Consider the political, social, and cultural climate at the time. This will help in understanding the influences that shaped the author's perspective.

3. Analyze the author's intentions: Consider why the author might have chosen to write a journal. Some common motivations include personal reflection, documentation of events, preserving knowledge for future generations, or the desire to share experiences with others.

4. Examine the content: Dive into the journal itself and analyze the content. Look for recurring themes, specific events or people mentioned, and any insights or opinions provided. This will give you a better understanding of the author's perspective and what they deemed important to record.

5. Explore the audience: Consider who the intended audience of the journal was. Was it written for personal use only, intended to be shared with a specific group of people, or meant for wider dissemination? Understanding the intended audience can shed light on the purpose and significance of the journal.

6. Evaluate the historical impact: Investigate the impact the journal had on its contemporaries or subsequent generations. Did it influence public opinion, contribute to historical understanding, or shape future events? Assessing the journal's historical significance will help you understand why it is still read today.

7. Consult scholarly sources: To gain a well-rounded understanding, consult scholarly articles, books, or historical analyses related to the journal and its author. These sources often provide expert insights and interpretations based on meticulous research.

By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of why someone wrote a historical journal and why it continues to be read today.