Shondra has 72 roses and 48 lilies. She wants to make 8 bouquets with them, with the same number of each type of flower in each bouquet. How many flowers will be in each bouquet?

9 roses and 6 lilies

all i did was divide both number by 8 to figure out how many of each will go in each bouquet

72/8 = 9

48/8 = 6

She'll have 9 roses and 6 lilies in each bouquet.

Thanks, We did that part, but what confused us was that the problem said 8 bouquets with the SAME NUMBER of each type of flower in each bouquet. Maybe I'm just reading into it to much

I missed that part -- the SAME NUMBER.

Maybe it means there are only 6 of each flower in each bouquet.

It is confusing.

what that means is that they want each bouquet have the exact same number of roses in them, and that each bouquet has to have the exact same amount of lilies ( like bouquet 1 cant have 2 roses when bouquets 2 only has 1, bouquet 1 cant have 6 lilies when bouquet 2 has 2 lilies)

That's what I thought, but that sure seems a little advanced for 3rd grade. Thank you so much for all your help I really appreciate it!

A 4oz jar of spice costs 92 cents. What is the unit cost per ounce?

i put mushrooms on 2/8 of pizza , then i add green peppers to 5/8 of the pizza.which topping covers more of the pizza

To find out how many flowers will be in each bouquet, we need to divide the total number of flowers (roses and lilies) by the number of bouquets.

First, we need to determine the total number of flowers. Shondra has 72 roses and 48 lilies.

Total number of flowers = Number of roses + Number of lilies
= 72 roses + 48 lilies
= 120 flowers

Next, we need to divide the total number of flowers by the number of bouquets (which is 8 in this case).

Number of flowers in each bouquet = Total number of flowers / Number of bouquets
= 120 flowers / 8 bouquets
= 15 flowers

Therefore, there will be 15 flowers in each bouquet.