During what period of time did global interdependence first emerge?

A. World War and Revolutions period

B. Prehistoric Age

C. Modern Age

D. Age of Interdependence

can someone help me with this.... thank you..

thank you. Mrs. Sue. I know now the correct answer is c.

The period of time during which global interdependence first emerged is C. Modern Age.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the concept of global interdependence and identify the period when it first emerged. Let's examine each option provided:

A. World War and Revolutions period: While international relationships and interconnectedness grew during this period due to the emergence of new political ideologies and the effects of world wars, it cannot be considered the time when global interdependence first emerged.

B. Prehistoric Age: The concept of global interdependence refers to the interconnectedness and interdependence of nations and economies on a global scale. The prehistoric age, characterized by small, isolated communities, lacked the necessary global connections to be considered the period of global interdependence.

C. Modern Age: The modern age signifies the period of significant advancements in technology, transportation, and communication. It is during this era that global interdependence started to emerge. Increased global trade, the development of global institutions such as the United Nations, and the rise of multinational corporations facilitated interdependency among nations.

D. Age of Interdependence: This option appears to be a possible answer since it mentions "interdependence." However, as it is not a widely recognized historical period, it is safe to assume that it is not the correct answer.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answer is C. Modern Age, as this period saw the initial emergence of global interdependence.

Global interdependence originated in prehistoric times.
