What does this mean: "Using the columns feature,select the question along with their answers and format into two columns.Adjust the columns with a hard column break when necessary so that a question appears on the first line of both columns and the answers do not wrap to the next column."

*Please give an example (question: how often do you come to the hub? answer: once a week)

This means that you need to use a feature that allows you to create two columns. In those columns, you should place the questions and their corresponding answers. The goal is to have the questions appear on the first line of both columns and ensure that the answers do not get split and wrap to the next column.

To achieve this, follow these steps:

1. Open a text editor or word processing software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
2. Create a new document or open an existing one.
3. Assuming you have a question and answer like "How often do you come to the hub?" and "Once a week," respectively, type the question followed by the answer in the first line of the document.
4. Place your cursor right after the answer, press "Enter" or "Return" on your keyboard to move to the next line.
5. Select the question and answer together by clicking and dragging the mouse or using the "Shift" key and the arrow keys.
6. In the formatting menu or toolbar of your text editor, look for an option related to columns. It may be called "Columns," "Layout," or something similar. Click on it.
7. Choose the option to create two columns.
8. After selecting two columns, you should see the text automatically split into the columns. However, you may notice that the answers wrap to the next column, which we want to avoid.
9. To prevent the answers from wrapping, you need to insert a hard column break at the end of the question so that it appears on both columns' first lines.
- Move the cursor to the end of the question, right after the last character.
- Look for an option in the formatting menu or toolbar that allows you to insert a hard column break. It might be called "Breaks" or "Page Break." Click on it.
- Choose the option to insert a hard column break. This will create a visual break and force the answers to stay in the first column until the next question begins.
10. Repeat steps 3 to 9 for each question and answer pair you have.
11. Once you have finished adding all the questions and answers in two columns, you can further format the document as needed, such as adjusting the column widths, adding styling, or saving the document.

Question: How often do you come to the hub?
Answer: Once a week

After following the steps outlined above, the resulting document should have two columns. In the first line of both columns, you will see the question "How often do you come to the hub?" and the answer "Once a week" below it.