The owner of the super supermarket would like to have a program that computers the monthly gross pay of their employees as well as the employee's net pay. The input for this program is an employee ID number, hourly rate of pay, and number of regular and overtime hours worked. Gross pay is the sum of the wages earned from regular hours and overtime hours; overtime is paid at 1.5 times the regular rate. Net pay is gross pay minus deductions. Assume that dudctions are taken for tax withholding (30 percent of gross pay) and parking ($10 per month). You will need the following variables:

EmployeeID (a String) HourlyRate (a Float) RegHours (a Float) Tax (a Float) Parking (a Float) OvertimeHours (a Float) NetPay (a Float) You will need the following formulas: GrossPay = RegularHours * HourlyRate + OvertimeHours * (HourlyRate * 1.5) NetPay * GrossPay - (GrossPay * Tax) - Parking

employeeID = ""

hourlyRate = 0.0
regularHours = 0.0
grossPay = 0.0
tax = 0.3
parking = 10.0
overtimeHours = 0.0
netPay = 0.0

input employeeID, hourlyRate, regularHours, overtimeHours

grossPay = regularHours * hourlyRate + overtimeHours*hourlyRate*1.5

netPay = grossPay-(grossPay*tax)-parking

output grossPay, netPay

need help

To create a program that computes the monthly gross pay and net pay of employees, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Declare and initialize the variables
- Create a variable called "EmployeeID" of type String to store the employee's ID number.
- Create a variable called "HourlyRate" of type Float to store the hourly rate of pay.
- Create a variable called "RegHours" of type Float to store the number of regular hours worked.
- Create a variable called "Tax" of type Float to store the tax withholding percentage (30%).
- Create a variable called "Parking" of type Float to store the parking deduction amount ($10).
- Create a variable called "OvertimeHours" of type Float to store the number of overtime hours worked.
- Create a variable called "GrossPay" of type Float to store the calculated gross pay.
- Create a variable called "NetPay" of type Float to store the calculated net pay.

Step 2: Input employee data
- Prompt the user to enter the employee's ID, hourly rate, regular hours, overtime hours, and any other required information.
- Assign the input values to the respective variables.

Step 3: Calculate gross pay
- Calculate the gross pay using the formula: GrossPay = RegHours * HourlyRate + OvertimeHours * (HourlyRate * 1.5).
- Assign the calculated value to the "GrossPay" variable.

Step 4: Calculate net pay
- Calculate the tax deduction amount using the formula: TaxDeduction = GrossPay * Tax.
- Calculate the net pay using the formula: NetPay = GrossPay - TaxDeduction - Parking.
- Assign the calculated value to the "NetPay" variable.

Step 5: Output the results
- Display the calculated GrossPay and NetPay values to the user.

Here's the pseudocode of the program:

Declare variables:
- EmployeeID (String)
- HourlyRate (Float)
- RegHours (Float)
- Tax (Float)
- Parking (Float)
- OvertimeHours (Float)
- GrossPay (Float)
- NetPay (Float)

Input employee data:
- Prompt user for employee ID, hourly rate, regular hours, overtime hours
- Assign input values to corresponding variables

Calculate gross pay:
- GrossPay = RegHours * HourlyRate + OvertimeHours * (HourlyRate * 1.5)

Calculate net pay:
- TaxDeduction = GrossPay * Tax
- NetPay = GrossPay - TaxDeduction - Parking

Output results:
- Display GrossPay and NetPay to user

You can now implement this program in a programming language of your choice, using the provided steps and pseudocode as guidance.

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