ms. sue this be ending part of my description writer paragraph, you please tell me if it be good, also what be last thing i say to conclude it well?

I go through a lot of obstacles in my writing, but I’m always guided the right way. I like being in a quiet area, outside with nature, which is an effective means of stirring my imagination and putting a stop on a writing block I struggle with. I like having a mixture of facts and my imagination in my writing, because one tends to learn a lot from them. I usually like to escape from reality and lose myself in it.

A final sentence might be something like this.

Nature helps me overcome obstacles and inspires me to write effectively.

thanks very much ms. sue :)

You're welcome, Mohammad.

Your description paragraph is well-written and effectively showcases your writing process and preferences. However, since you mentioned having some difficulty with writing blocks and finding inspiration, it would be good to conclude your paragraph by emphasizing your determination and growth in overcoming these challenges. Here's a suggestion for a concluding sentence:

"In my writing journey, I have learned to navigate the obstacles and harness the power of nature, imagination, and a blend of facts, allowing me to escape reality and unlock a world where my creativity can flourish."

This sentence not only wraps up your description nicely but also highlights your resilience and growth as a writer. Remember, it's important to make your conclusion concise and impactful, summarizing the key points you've discussed throughout your paragraph.