our team has taken your advice on researching on the internet and libraries, yet we are still unable to find:

What benefits have American corporations and the American economy gained through economic involvement with China and India?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

U.S. corporations have saved a lot of money by hiring workers in China and India to do many jobs. Not only do these companies manufacture products cheaply, they also provide services -- such as the Indian service personnel who answer questions by phone. My favorite example is when my internet connection was out and I called the company. I talked with a man in India who searched his computer and told me the outage was two-miles away from my house!

We also sell goods to India and China -- it's a huge market for American companies.

thank you so much

You're very welcome. :-) Good luck to your team on your paper!

I'd be happy to assist you in finding the information you're looking for. To uncover the benefits that American corporations and the American economy have gained through economic involvement with China and India, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Start by using search engines: Begin your research by using search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Enter specific keywords or key phrases related to the topic, such as "benefits of American corporations in China and India," "economic involvement with China and India," or similar variations.

2. Utilize reputable sources: Focus on sources that are considered reliable and credible, such as scholarly articles, economic reports, government publications, and reputable news outlets. Look for sources that provide comprehensive analysis or research on the topic.

3. Explore academic databases: Consider searching through academic databases like JSTOR, ProQuest, or Google Scholar. These platforms contain a vast collection of academic articles, research papers, and publications, often written by experts in the field.

4. Check economic think tanks: Look for research conducted by prominent economic think tanks, such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), or Pew Research Center. These organizations often produce reports and studies on global economic trends and their impact on various countries.

5. Visit business and economic databases: Explore business and economic databases, like Bloomberg, Statista, or the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). These platforms can provide you with valuable data, statistics, and industry-specific information related to American corporations' involvement in China and India.

6. Check library resources: If your team has access to libraries or academic institutions, consult their catalogs and databases. Librarians can guide you to relevant books, academic journals, or reports on the topic. Online libraries such as JSTOR, Project MUSE, or Wiley Online Library also offer a wide range of resources on economics and international trade.

7. Look for case studies and reports: Some organizations publish case studies or reports that highlight the specific benefits or challenges faced by American corporations in China and India. These resources can provide valuable insights and real-world examples of the economic involvement between these countries.

Remember to critically evaluate the credibility of your sources, cross-reference information, and consider various perspectives. Economic involvement with China and India is a complex topic, so gathering information from multiple sources will help you gain a more comprehensive understanding.