perimeter of a triangle is 18 cm, what is the length of its longest side??

More information is needed to answer that.

However, we do know that the other two sides must add up to something more than 9. So, the longest side must be less than 9. Also, it cannot be less than 6.

So, somewhere between 6 and 9.

To determine the length of the longest side of a triangle when the perimeter is given, we first need to understand the concept of a triangle's perimeter.

The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the lengths of all its sides. In this case, the perimeter is given as 18 cm.

In a triangle, the longest side is generally referred to as the "hypotenuse." However, since the question does not specify whether the triangle is a right triangle or any other specific type, we need to consider all possibilities.

Let's assume two sides of the triangle are shorter than the longest side:

Side 1: x cm
Side 2: y cm
Longest side (hypotenuse): z cm

According to the given information, the perimeter is 18 cm:

Perimeter = Side 1 + Side 2 + Longest side (hypotenuse)
18 = x + y + z

Since we are looking for the length of the longest side, "z," we need to consider the range of values for x and y.

To find the maximum value for z, we need to minimize the values for x and y. This occurs when x = y = 0.

So, substituting the values into the equation:
18 = 0 + 0 + z
18 = z

Therefore, the length of the longest side, or the hypotenuse, of the triangle is 18 cm.