Mandy's kitchen measures eight feet by seven feet. If she is making a scale drawing of one inch = two feet, how many inches will she use for eight feet?

How many inches will Mandy use for seven feet?

8/2 = ?______ inches

7/2 = ?_______ inches

To find out how many inches Mandy will use for eight feet, you need to divide eight feet by the scale of one inch = two feet.

To do this, you can use the following calculation:

8 feet ÷ 2 feet/inch = 4 inches

Therefore, Mandy will use 4 inches for eight feet.

Similarly, to find out how many inches Mandy will use for seven feet, you need to divide seven feet by the scale of one inch = two feet.

Using the same calculation:

7 feet ÷ 2 feet/inch = 3.5 inches

Therefore, Mandy will use 3.5 inches for seven feet.