You are required to design and write an application that will analyze an input file (InputFile.txt); the file contains a date on each line. Your algorithm should output all the missing dates, excluding Saturdays and Sundays. You should not cater for public holidays. Also keep in mind: each leap year (every 4 years) contains an extra date for February 29th. Leap years: 2000, 2004, 2008, …

Your results should also output a date range instead of each individual date; if there is more than one concurrent date missing. For example: if you are missing 2008/02/03, 2008/02/04 and 2008/02/05 you should output 2008/02/03 – 2008/02/05.

Your output should be written to a file (OutputFile.txt).


If you input was:


Your output should be:

2008/01/15 – 2008/01/17

you should probably mention the language its in.

The length and width of a rectangle are 50cm and 15cm respectively.

Each measurement is correct to the nearest cm.
Write down the upper bound of the length?
And find the least possible perimeter of the rectangle

To create an application that can analyze the input file and output the missing dates, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the input file: Start by reading the contents of the input file (InputFile.txt) line by line. Each line contains a date.

2. Parse the dates: Use a date parsing library or write a custom date parsing function to convert the date strings into a date object that your programming language can work with.

3. Identify missing dates: Iterate over the parsed dates and check for any missing dates. To exclude Saturdays and Sundays, you can use the day of the week information provided by the date object. Also, exclude public holidays based on a predefined list or API that provides this information. Keep track of the missing dates in a list or a data structure.

4. Group consecutive missing dates: If there are multiple consecutive missing dates, group them together to display a date range instead of individual dates. To achieve this, you can use a loop to iterate over the missing dates and check if the next date is one day ahead. If it is, continue iterating until a non-consecutive date is found. When this happens, generate a range that includes the first and last date of the consecutive dates.

5. Write the output to a file: Once you have identified the missing date ranges, write them to an output file (OutputFile.txt). You can use file writing functions provided by your programming language to accomplish this.

Remember to handle any error cases, such as invalid date formats or missing input files, and provide appropriate error messages or error handling mechanisms in your application.

Please note that the above steps provide a high-level algorithmic overview. The implementation details may vary depending on the programming language you choose.