whats the term?

1)the turning of air masses from their original paths because of earth's rotation
2)high altitude winds that occur in places where trade winds and polar easterlies meet prevailing westerlies

The term for 1) is the Coriolis effect, and the term for 2) is the jet stream.

1) The Coriolis effect refers to the apparent deflection of the path of moving objects, such as air masses, due to the rotation of the Earth. To understand how to get this term, you can start by knowing that the rotation of the Earth causes a greater speed at the equator compared to the poles. As a result, when air masses move from high pressure to low pressure areas, they appear to be deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This deflection creates the characteristic swirling motion in weather patterns like cyclones and anticyclones.

2) The jet stream is a high-altitude, narrow band of powerful winds that flow in the upper levels of the atmosphere, typically at the boundaries between the prevailing westerly winds and the polar easterlies. To find the term "jet stream," you can learn that it occurs due to the temperature differences between air masses and the Earth's rotation. The jet stream is important for weather forecasting as it influences the movement of weather systems and can greatly impact the speed and direction of aviation travel.

In both cases, the terms can be found by understanding the underlying principles and processes involved in the Earth's atmosphere and weather patterns.