What was not considered a part of the Harlem Renaissance?


Which of those is not mentioned in these articles?



ummm well it was Architecture,thank you Ms.Sue

Right. You're welcome, MM.

Oh could you help me with this one Ms. Sue

Hughes wrote an essay that claims he had slept in "The Thousand Beds." What aspect of his life made him write about this?

(A.He traveled throughout Europe.)
B.He often moved in with various relatives.
C.He had a good sense of humor

Hughes received financial assistance from Charlotte Mason. In 1930, he broke away from Mason and her financial assistance to?

A.Travel the world
B.go back to college
C.to maintain his integrity
(D.to get married)

In 1932, Hughes went to Russia with a group of African Americans

A.to learn the culture.
B.to write a book.
(C.to meet with other authors.)
D.to assist with a film project.

I Picked A,D and C

Congratulations! All of your answers are wrong!

Please do not waste your and our time with wild guesses!

NO C is right the other one's i forgot but i turned in my work so thanks

Hughes received financial assistance from Charlotte Mason. In 1930, he broke away from Mason and her financial assistance to


travel the world.


to maintain his integrity.


go back to college.


to get married.

Hughes received financial assistance from Charlotte Mason. In 1930, he broke away from Mason and her financial assistance to


travel the world.


to maintain his integrity.


go back to college.


to get married.

To determine which option was not considered a part of the Harlem Renaissance, we need to understand what the Harlem Renaissance was.

The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem, New York City, during the 1920s. It was a significant movement for African American arts and culture, encompassing various forms of artistic expression.

a. Literature: This option was considered a part of the Harlem Renaissance. Many famous African American writers emerged during this period, such as Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, and Countee Cullen. They contributed greatly to the literary movement of the Harlem Renaissance.

b. Art: This option was also considered a part of the Harlem Renaissance. The movement saw the rise of African American visual artists who created paintings, sculptures, and other art forms that represented the experiences and culture of Black people.

c. Music: This option was definitely a part of the Harlem Renaissance. It was a period of immense musical creativity, with genres like jazz and blues gaining traction. Musicians such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and Bessie Smith made significant contributions to the movement.

d. Architecture: While architecture played a role in the development of Harlem during the early 20th century, it was not typically considered a prominent part of the Harlem Renaissance. The movement primarily focused on literature, art, and music as expressions of African American culture.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. architecture.