sam's birthday cake was cut into 16pcs. after his party, 3 pcs. were left. what fraction of his cake was left? what fraction of his cake were eaten?

To find the fraction of Sam's cake that was left and the fraction that was eaten, we need to compare the number of cake pieces that were left and the total number of cake pieces.

Step 1: Find the fraction of the cake that was left.
- Sam's cake was cut into 16 pieces, and 3 pieces were left.
- So, the fraction of the cake that was left can be calculated as: (number of pieces left) / (total number of pieces)
- Substitute the values: 3 / 16

Step 2: Simplify the fraction.
- The fraction 3/16 cannot be simplified further because there are no common factors between 3 and 16.

Therefore, the fraction of Sam's cake that was left is 3/16.

Step 3: Find the fraction of the cake that was eaten.
- Since we know the fraction of the cake that was left (3/16), we can subtract it from 1 to find the fraction that was eaten.
- Subtract 3/16 from 1: 1 - 3/16
- To subtract these fractions, we need to find a common denominator, which is 16. Therefore, we can rewrite 1 as 16/16: 16/16 - 3/16
- Subtract the numerators: 16 - 3 = 13

Therefore, the fraction of Sam's cake that was eaten is 13/16.

3/16 was left 13/16 eaten

It doesn't say the answer