which young adult is long-term identitity foreclosure or diffusion

A. college graduate who switches majors
B.An aspiring chef who has no opportunity for culinary training.
C.A young woman with several possible vocational choices.
D.A peace corps volunteer.

My choice is D. Am I correct

To determine which option represents long-term identity foreclosure or diffusion, let's first understand what these terms mean. Long-term identity foreclosure refers to a situation where an individual makes firm commitments without exploring alternative options or possibilities. On the other hand, identity diffusion occurs when a person lacks a clear sense of identity or direction and avoids making commitments.

Now, let's analyze each option:

A. A college graduate who switches majors: This person has explored different academic paths and made a decision to switch majors. They have actively engaged in the process of exploring alternatives, which suggests they are not experiencing long-term identity foreclosure or diffusion.

B. An aspiring chef who has no opportunity for culinary training: This individual has a clear career goal but is unable to pursue it due to the lack of opportunities for culinary training. Although they may experience frustration, it does not necessarily imply long-term identity foreclosure or diffusion as there is still potential for exploration and commitment in the future.

C. A young woman with several possible vocational choices: This person has multiple vocational options available to them. Their situation indicates that they are actively considering various paths, exploring possibilities, and have not yet made permanent commitments. This aligns with the concept of identity diffusion.

D. A Peace Corps volunteer: This option does not provide enough information to determine if the individual is experiencing long-term identity foreclosure or diffusion. While volunteering in the Peace Corps may demonstrate a commitment to service, it does not necessarily imply long-term commitments or a lack of exploration in other aspects of life.

Based on the given options, it appears that Option C, "A young woman with several possible vocational choices," best represents identity diffusion. It suggests that the individual has not made firm commitments and is still exploring various vocational paths.