Which of the following 1-gram blobs of water has the least surface area? A) All have about the same surface area.B) A spherical blob.C) A blob stretched into a thin film.D) A pancake shaped blob.E) An ellipsoid-shaped blob.

(B) Any effort to deform a sphere increases its area.

Surface tension tends to make a "blob" (like an unstressed drop of liquid) spherical

To determine which 1-gram blob of water has the least surface area, we need to understand how surface area relates to the shape of the blob.

Surface area is the measure of the total area of the outside surface of an object. When it comes to liquid blobs, the surface area determines how much the liquid is exposed to the surroundings.

A) All have about the same surface area: This option suggests that all the blobs have similar surface areas. While it might be possible, we cannot definitively say without further information.

B) A spherical blob: A sphere is a shape with the smallest surface area for a given volume. In other words, it minimizes the amount of surface area for a specific mass. So, a spherical blob of water is a good candidate for having the least surface area among the given options.

C) A blob stretched into a thin film: When a liquid blob is stretched into a thin film, its surface area increases. So, this option is less likely to have the least surface area.

D) A pancake-shaped blob: A pancake-shaped blob implies it is flat, like a disc. Although this shape does not have as much surface area as a stretched film, it still has more surface area compared to a sphere.

E) An ellipsoid-shaped blob: An ellipsoid is a three-dimensional shape that is elongated or flattened. While it may have a different shape compared to the others, without specific dimensions, it is challenging to determine its surface area.

In summary, among the given options, a spherical blob (option B) is the most likely to have the least surface area. However, it is important to note that a definitive answer would require precise dimensions and calculations.