how do you find the height of an area of 245 square inches and a base of 14 inches.

Is this a triangle?

Formulas for a Triangle

perimeter- a + b + c
semiperimeter- a + b + c ÷ 2
area- base • height ÷ 2
base- 2 • area ÷ height
height- 2 • area ÷ base

h= 2 • 245² in ÷ 14 inches = 35

Height: 14 in.²

Area: 245 in.²



What is the base if height is 14 inches and area is 245 in 2

Since this is a triangle

You divide by two
14 divided by 2 equals 7
245 divided by 14
You get 35 BaM
iTs your Asian neighbor

find the height of a triangle with an area of square inches and a base of 14 inches


what is height: 14 in. and area: 245 in 2

35 is the answer