janice scored 85% on the last test. she answered 34 questions correctly. how many questions were on the test?

thank you. can you please check this for me:

henri rici paid $5000 for a car. after one year, its value had decreased by $1500. by what percent had the car depreciated in value? is it 5000x=1500?

Be sure to multiply your decimal answer by 100 to find the percent.

ok, 30% right?

Yes. 30% is right.

Miriam answered 34 questions correctly on her test. If she got 85% correct, how many questions were on the test?

To find the total number of questions on the test, we need to use the given information about Janice's score and the number of questions she answered correctly.

Let's assume the total number of questions on the test is "x."

Janice scored 85% on the test, which means she answered 85% of the total questions correctly. We can represent this mathematically as:

(85/100) * x = 34

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of "x," which represents the total number of questions on the test.

To solve the equation, we can start by canceling out the denominator by multiplying both sides of the equation by 100:

85x = 34 * 100

Next, we can isolate "x" by dividing both sides of the equation by 85:

x = (34 * 100) / 85

Now, let's calculate the value of "x" using this equation:

x = 3400 / 85
x = 40

Therefore, there were a total of 40 questions on the test.

0.85x = 34