Piagets famous -----------problem demonstrates preoperational children's

difficulity with----------
A. three mountains; dual representation
B.three mountains;hierarchical classification.
C. class inclusion; hierarchial classification

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Piaget's famous three mountains problem demonstrates preoperational children's difficulty with A. three mountains; dual representation.

To understand this problem and its significance in Piaget's theory, let's break it down:

1. Piaget's Theory: Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist known for his work on cognitive development in children. He proposed that children go through different stages of cognitive development, and the preoperational stage is the second stage, typically occurring between the ages of 2 and 7.

2. Preoperational Stage: During the preoperational stage, children acquire symbolic representation, meaning they can use symbols, words, or images to represent objects or ideas. However, they still struggle with logical reasoning and have limitations in their thinking abilities.

3. Three Mountains Problem: In the three mountains problem, children are shown a model with three mountains, each having a distinct feature (e.g., snow, a cross, a hut). The child is then asked to select a picture that represents the viewpoint of a doll placed in various positions around the model.

4. Difficulty with Dual Representation: The main challenge in the three mountains problem is the child's ability to mentally represent both their own viewpoint and the doll's viewpoint simultaneously. This is referred to as "dual representation." The child needs to understand that the doll sees the mountains differently than they do.

The correct answer is A. three mountains; dual representation because the problem specifically addresses the preoperational children's challenge with dual representation, which refers to their difficulty in mentally representing different viewpoints simultaneously.