3. How do writer create loneliness of narrator? Is the sensation of being alone, being solitary, part of the notio n of “madness”?

i not sure if some of my answer be right.

The author create lonliness of narrator through journal. There be no one that understand her, so she keep journal where she add her thoughts and feelings in. She speak to herself through her journal. i not know about second part.

4. What kind of shame be embed in the mind of the narrator?

oops ms. sue i clicked this one too fast my number 4 answer be in above post.

3. Good!

thanks very much ms. sue :)

You're welcome, Mohammad.

To understand how a writer creates the loneliness of a narrator, you need to analyze the various techniques and elements used in the writing. Here are some ways writers often achieve this:

1. Isolation: The writer may physically isolate the narrator from others, placing them in a remote setting or introducing circumstances that make it difficult for the narrator to connect with other characters.

2. Emotional alienation: The writer may portray the narrator as having unique or misunderstood emotions or experiences that separate them from others. This can lead to a sense of loneliness and isolation.

3. Inner dialogue: The writer can delve into the narrator's internal thoughts and emotions, depicting a longing for companionship or a struggle with feelings of loneliness.

4. Descriptive language: Writers may use vivid descriptions to create a sense of solitude and emptiness in the narrator's surroundings, highlighting the absence of others and enhancing the feeling of isolation.

Regarding the notion of "madness" being connected to the sensation of being alone, it depends on the context and intentions of the writer. Some authors may explore the idea of isolation leading to madness, while others may associate madness with other factors. It's important to analyze the specific text and the writer's thematic choices to gain a deeper understanding.

Moving on to the second question:

To determine what kind of shame is embedded in the mind of the narrator, you need to closely observe their actions, thoughts, and interactions with others. Look for hints or clues within the text that indicate instances of shame.

Pay attention to any self-deprecating thoughts or behaviors the narrator exhibits, indications of embarrassment or guilt, and moments where they feel exposed or judged by others. These can be indicators of the shame the narrator carries.

Additionally, situations involving secrecy, hiding something, or feeling the need to conceal aspects of themselves can also hint at shame. Explore the actions and decisions the narrator makes, as well as their internal reflections and emotional reactions, to gain further insight into the type of shame they are experiencing.