Two ice skaters have masses m1 and m2 and are initially stationary. Their skates are identical. They push against one another, as shown below, and move in opposite directions with different speeds. While they are pushing against each other, any kinetic frictional forces acting on their skates can be ignored. However, once the skaters separate, kinetic frictional forces eventually bring them to a halt. As they glide to a halt, the magnitudes of their accelerations are equal, and skater 1 glides 3 times as far as skater 2. What is the ratio m1/m2 of their masses?

Skater 1 was pushed by a heavier skater

causing her to start with a higher velocity and a greater stopping distance.

d = (Vf^2 - Vo^2)/2a.
Vf = Final velocity = 0.
Vo = Initial or starting velocity.

m1/m2 = 1/3.

Well, it sounds like these ice skaters are having quite the gliding adventure! Let me calculate the ratio m1/m2 for you in a way that's as entertaining as their ice-skating skills.

Let's call the acceleration of skater 1 "a1" and the acceleration of skater 2 "a2". Since their magnitudes are equal, we can say that a1 = a2.

Now, we know that the distance traveled by an object is given by the formula d = (1/2)at^2, where d is the distance, a is the acceleration, and t is the time taken.

Since skater 1 glides 3 times as far as skater 2, we can write the equation for their distances as d1 = 3d2.

Let's compare their times now. Since they have the same acceleration, we can use the equation d = (1/2)at^2 to find the relationship between their times.

For skater 1, we have d1 = (1/2)a1t1^2, and for skater 2, we have d2 = (1/2)a2t2^2.

Since we already know that a1 = a2, we can rewrite these equations as d1 = (1/2)a1t1^2 and d2 = (1/2)a1t2^2.

Now, we substitute the value of d1 from the given information (d1 = 3d2) and rearrange the equation to solve for t1:

3d2 = (1/2)a1t1^2
6d2 = a1t1^2
t1^2 = (6d2)/a1

Similarly, we substitute the value of d2 from the given information (d1 = 3d2) and rearrange the equation to solve for t2:

d2 = (1/2)a1t2^2
2d2 = a1t2^2
t2^2 = (2d2)/a1

Now, let's find the ratio m1/m2. We can use Newton's second law, F = ma, which states that force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration.

When the skaters push against each other, they experience equal and opposite forces, so we can write the equation m1a1 = m2a2.

Since a1 = a2, we can simplify this equation to m1 = m2.

Finally, we substitute the value of a1 from the previously obtained time relationship equation to solve for t1:

a1 = (6d2)/t1^2

Substituting this value of a1 in the m1 = m2 equation:

m1 = ((6d2)/t1^2) * t1^2
m1 = 6d2

Therefore, the ratio m1/m2 = 6d2/d2 = 6.

So, the ratio of their masses is 6! It seems like skater 1 is having six times the fun on the ice compared to skater 2. Keep gliding and laughing!

Let's break down the problem step-by-step.

Step 1: Given information
- Two ice skaters of masses m1 and m2 are initially stationary.
- They push against each other and move in opposite directions with different speeds.
- While they are pushing, any kinetic frictional forces can be ignored.
- Once they separate, kinetic frictional forces eventually bring them to a halt.
- As they glide to a halt, the magnitudes of their accelerations are equal.
- Skater 1 glides 3 times as far as skater 2.

Step 2: Understanding Acceleration
Since the magnitudes of their accelerations are equal, we can represent the accelerations of both skaters as a.

Step 3: Analysis during Pushing Phase
During the pushing phase:
- Skater 1 experiences a forward force due to pushing from skater 2.
- Skater 2 experiences a backward force due to pushing from skater 1.
- The net forces acting on both skaters are not zero, resulting in their acceleration a.

Step 4: Analysis during Gliding Phase
Once they separate and glide to a halt:
- Both skaters experience a kinetic frictional force in the opposite direction of their motion.
- The magnitudes of the frictional forces acting on both skaters are equal, leading to their equal accelerations a.

Step 5: Distance traveled
From the given information, we know that skater 1 travels three times the distance of skater 2.

Step 6: Ratio of Masses
Let's assume the distance traveled by skater 2 is d, then skater 1 travels 3d.
Using the equation d = (1/2)at² we can find the relation between the distances and accelerations.

For skater 2:
d = (1/2) * a * t²

For skater 1:
3d = (1/2) * a * (3t)²
3d = (1/2) * a * 9t²
3d = 4.5 * a * t²

Since the acceleration (a) is the same for both skaters, we can equate the two equations:

(1/2) * a * t² = 4.5 * a * t²
(1/2) = 4.5

Solving for the ratio of masses:
m1 / m2 = (1/2) / 4.5
m1 / m2 = 1/9

Therefore, the ratio of m1 to m2 is 1:9.

To solve this problem, we can use the principles of Newton's laws of motion.

Let's assume that after the skaters separate, skater 1 travels a distance of x, and skater 2 travels a distance of y.

According to Newton's second law, the net force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration (F = ma). Since the magnitudes of their accelerations are equal, the net forces acting on both skaters are the same.

To analyze the forces acting on the skaters, we need to consider two main forces: the force of friction and the force of the push.

When the skaters are pushing against each other, they exert equal and opposite forces on one another. Let's call this force F_push. Since the masses of the skaters are m1 and m2, the magnitude of the force each skater exerts on the other is F_push.

After separation, both skaters experience a force of friction that opposes their motion, bringing them to a halt. This frictional force is equal to the normal force multiplied by the coefficient of kinetic friction (f_kinetic = μ_kinetic * N).

Now, let's analyze the forces acting on skater 1:

- F_push pushes skater 1 to the right.
- The frictional force acts to the left, opposing the motion.

Since the magnitudes of the accelerations are equal for both skaters, we can write the following equation for skater 1:

F_push - f_friction1 = m1 * a

Similarly, for skater 2, the equation will be:

F_push - f_friction2 = m2 * a

Since the magnitudes of the accelerations are equal, we have:

F_push - f_friction1 = F_push - f_friction2

Now, let's consider the distances traveled by the skaters:

We are given that skater 1 glides 3 times as far as skater 2 (x = 3y).

When an object glides to a halt, we can use the equation v^2 = u^2 + 2as, where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and s is the distance traveled.

Since both skaters eventually come to a halt, their final velocities are zero. Hence, we can write:

0^2 = (initial velocity of skater 1)^2 + 2(a)(x)
0^2 = (initial velocity of skater 2)^2 + 2(a)(y)

Since both skaters are initially stationary, their initial velocities are zero. Therefore, we have:

0 = 2(a)(3y) - 2(a)(y)
0 = 4ay - 2ay
0 = 2ay

Since acceleration (a) cannot be zero (otherwise, the skaters would not move at all), we have y = 0.

This implies that skater 2 does not move at all, and all the displacement is due to skater 1 (x = 3y = 3 * 0 = 0).

Now, let's go back to the equation:

F_push - f_friction1 = F_push - f_friction2

Since skater 2 does not move (hence, no friction is acting on skater 2), we have:

F_push - f_friction1 = F_push - 0
f_friction1 = F_push

For skater 1, we have:

f_friction1 = μ * N (where N is the normal force acting on skater 1)

Since we have no information regarding the coefficient of kinetic friction or the normal force, we cannot solve for the exact value of m1/m2.

Therefore, without more information, we cannot determine the ratio m1/m2 of their masses.