Which is not a subunit of the Department of Health and Human Services?

1.)The Food and Drug Administration My answer2.)The Bureau of Indian Affairs
3.)The National Institutes of Health 4.)The Centers for Disease Control



To determine which among the given options is not a subunit of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), we can look up the official website of the department. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open a web browser on your device.
2. Type "Department of Health and Human Services" in the search bar.
3. Click on the official website of the department, which should be www.hhs.gov.
4. Once on the website, look for a section such as "About HHS" or "Organizational Chart." This section should provide information about the different subunits or agencies within the department.
5. Locate the list of subunits or agencies and compare it with the options given.
6. Determine which option does not appear in the list of subunits.

By following these steps, you will be able to find out which option is not a subunit of the Department of Health and Human Services.