First person 3/8% of sun money and second person 3/8%=first person -sum money. And first person -second person=36 so find sum monex?

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Assign variables
Let's assume the amount of money the first person has is "x" (in an unknown currency), and the amount of money the second person has is "y."

Step 2: Express the given information as equations
From the given information, we can write two equations:

Equation 1: (3/8)% of sun money = x
To express (3/8)% as a decimal, we divide it by 100: (3/8)% = 0.0375. Therefore, equation 1 can be written as:
0.0375 * sun money = x

Equation 2: (3/8)% of sum money = first person - sum money
Using the same conversion, equation 2 can be expressed as:
0.0375 * sum money = x - sum money

Step 3: Simplify the equations
Equation 1: 0.0375 * sun money = x
Equation 2: 0.0375 * sum money = x - sum money

Step 4: Re-arrange the equations
Equation 1: sun money = x / 0.0375
Equation 2: sum money = x / 0.0375 + sum money / 0.0375

Step 5: Solve for sum money
We can use the information from step 4 to find the value of sum money.

Equation 2: sum money = x / 0.0375 + sum money / 0.0375
Rearranging the equation, we get:
sum money - sum money / 0.0375 = x / 0.0375
Simplifying further:
0.9625 * sum money = x / 0.0375
Dividing both sides by 0.9625:
sum money = (x / 0.0375) / 0.9625
sum money = x / (0.0375 * 0.9625)

Step 6: Use additional information to solve for sum money
We have one more equation that relates the difference between the first person and the second person's money to sum money:

first person - second person = 36

From step 1, we established that the first person has "x" money, and the second person has "y" money. Therefore:

x - y = 36

Step 7: Substitute the value of x in terms of sum money into the equation
Recall from step 4, we had the equation: sun money = x / 0.0375.

Plugging in x / 0.0375 for sun money into the equation from step 6, we get:

x / (0.0375 * 0.9625) - y = 36

Simplifying the equation:

x / (0.0361125) - y = 36

Step 8: Solve for the unknown variable (sum money)
At this point, we have an equation in terms of sum money. Solving it will give us the value:

sum money = x / (0.0361125) - 36

To find the value of sum money, you need to know the amount of money the first person (x) has. Once you have that information, plug it into the equation above, and you can determine the value of sum money.