Sarah drove 30 miles with an average speed of 40mph. How long was she driving for?

Cross multiply and solve for x.

30/x = 40/60

40x = 1800

x = 1800/45

x = 45 minutes

To find out how long Sarah was driving, we can use the formula: Time = Distance / Speed. In this case, the distance Sarah drove is 30 miles and her average speed is 40 mph. So, we can calculate the time by dividing the distance by the speed:

Time = 30 miles / 40 mph

To evaluate this equation, we divide 30 by 40, which is equal to 0.75. Therefore, Sarah was driving for 0.75 hours.

If you want to convert this to minutes, you can multiply 0.75 by 60 since one hour has 60 minutes.

Time (in minutes) = 0.75 hours x 60 minutes/hour = 45 minutes.

So, Sarah was driving for 0.75 hours or 45 minutes.