how do i simpllify 5/x + 4/x^2 - 3/x^3

what is the least common multiple of 16x^3yz^3 and 14z^6xy^4c

5x^2/x^3 + 4x/x^3 - 3/x^3

(5x^2 + 4x - 3)/x^3
hmmm. won't factor easily

To simplify the expression 5/x + 4/x^2 - 3/x^3, we need to find a common denominator for the three terms and then combine them.

The common denominator for the terms is x^3 since it is the least common multiple of x, x^2, and x^3.

To get each term's denominator to be x^3, we need to multiply the first term by x^2, the second term by x, and the third term by 1 (which is already x^3/x^3).

So, the expression becomes:

(5/x) * (x^2/x^2) + (4/x^2) * (x/x) - (3/x^3) * (1)

Simplifying each term in the numerator:

(5 * x^2) / (x * x^2) + (4 * x) / (x^2 * x) - 3 / x^3

Now, we can combine the terms with the same denominator:

(5x^2 + 4x - 3) / (x^3)

Thus, the simplified expression is (5x^2 + 4x - 3) / (x^3).