Calculate the cost to the pharmacy as AWP less 13%. AWP $84.07 per 100 tablets and dispense 30 tablets

To calculate the cost to the pharmacy as AWP (Average Wholesale Price) less 13%, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the cost per tablet
The AWP is given as $84.07 per 100 tablets. To find the cost per tablet, divide the AWP by the total number of tablets:
Cost per tablet = AWP / Number of tablets
Cost per tablet = $84.07 / 100

Step 2: Calculate the cost for 30 tablets
Multiply the cost per tablet by the number of tablets dispensed:
Cost for 30 tablets = Cost per tablet x Number of tablets
Cost for 30 tablets = (AWP / 100) x 30

Step 3: Apply the discount
To calculate the discount, subtract 13% from the cost for 30 tablets:
Discount = Cost for 30 tablets x 13% (expressed as a decimal)
Discount = (AWP / 100) x 30 x 0.13

Step 4: Calculate the final cost
Subtract the discount from the cost for 30 tablets to get the final cost to the pharmacy:
Final cost = Cost for 30 tablets - Discount

Now, let's calculate the cost:
Step 1: Cost per tablet = $84.07 / 100 = $0.8407

Step 2: Cost for 30 tablets = $0.8407 x 30 = $25.221

Step 3: Discount = $25.221 x 0.13 = $3.273

Step 4: Final cost = $25.221 - $3.273 = $21.948

Therefore, the cost to the pharmacy, after applying the 13% discount to the AWP of $84.07 per 100 tablets, for dispensing 30 tablets, is approximately $21.948.