holly's garden is divided into 5 equal sections. she will fence the garden into 3 areas by grouping some equal sections together. what part of the garden could each fenced area be?

Holly's garden is divided into 5 equal sections.she will fence 3 areas by grouping some equal sections together.how can writing an equation help you solve the problem?


To find out what part of the garden each fenced area could be, we can divide the total number of sections (5) by the total number of fenced areas (3).

First, we need to determine how many sections will be in each fenced area if they were divided equally. We can do this by dividing the total number of sections (5) by the total number of fenced areas (3):

5 / 3 = 1 remainder 2

This calculation tells us that each fenced area will have 1 section, with 2 sections left over.

Therefore, each fenced area could consist of 1 part of the garden, while 2 sections would remain unfenced.

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