Where did Prohibition Strongly take place

and what were the major developments




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Prohibition strongly took place in the United States during the early 20th century. To understand where Prohibition took place and its major developments, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by researching the timeline of Prohibition in the United States. Prohibition refers to the period between 1920 and 1933 when the production, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages were banned.

2. To identify the specific locations where Prohibition strongly took place, examine the impact and enforcement of the ban across the country. During this time, numerous states had already implemented their own alcohol regulations prior to the nationwide ban. Some states, commonly referred to as "dry states," had already outlawed alcohol consumption before Prohibition, which made them more likely to embrace and enforce the national ban.

3. Research major cities and regions known for their involvement in Prohibition-related events and activities. For example, cities like Chicago, New York City, and Detroit were notorious for their illegal alcohol trade and the rise of organized crime during this time.

4. Explore the major developments associated with Prohibition. Some key developments include the rise of illegal speakeasies (underground bars), the increase in bootlegging (illegal production and distribution of alcohol), and the growth of organized crime syndicates, such as Al Capone's Chicago Outfit.

By following these steps and conducting further research, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of where Prohibition strongly took place and the major developments associated with it.