B=1.69 (sqrt (s)+4.45)-3.49 solve for s

When evaluating an expression, you're always told to work your way from inside to outside, getting rid of parentheses as you go.

When solving for a variable, the process is reversed. you are trying to get from the outside to the inside. So, undo addition/subtraction, then multiplication/division:

B=1.69 (sqrt (s)+4.45)-3.49
add 3.49
B+3.49 = 1.69(sqrt(s)+4.45)
divide by 1.69
(B+3.49)/1.69 = sqrt(s)+4.45
subtract 4.45
(B+3.49)/1.69 - 4.45 = sqrt(s)
square both sides
((B+3.49)/1.69 - 4.45)2 = s

To solve for s in the equation B = 1.69(sqrt(s) + 4.45) - 3.49, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Eliminate the outermost parentheses by distributing the 1.69 to the terms inside:

B = 1.69(sqrt(s) + 4.45) - 3.49
B = 1.69*sqrt(s) + 1.69*4.45 - 3.49
B = 1.69*sqrt(s) + 7.5205 - 3.49
B = 1.69*sqrt(s) + 4.0305

Step 2: Isolate the term with the square root by moving the constant term (4.0305) to the other side:

B - 4.0305 = 1.69*sqrt(s)

Step 3: Divide both sides by 1.69 to isolate the square root:

(B - 4.0305)/1.69 = sqrt(s)

Step 4: Square both sides to eliminate the square root:

[(B - 4.0305)/1.69]^2 = (sqrt(s))^2
[(B - 4.0305)/1.69]^2 = s

Therefore, the solution for s in terms of B is:
s = [(B - 4.0305)/1.69]^2

To solve for s, we need to isolate the square root term first. Follow these steps:

1. Begin with the given equation: B = 1.69(sqrt(s) + 4.45) - 3.49.
2. Add 3.49 to both sides of the equation to eliminate the constant term on the right side: B + 3.49 = 1.69(sqrt(s) + 4.45).
3. Divide both sides of the equation by 1.69 to isolate the square root term: (B + 3.49) / 1.69 = sqrt(s) + 4.45.
4. Subtract 4.45 from both sides of the equation to isolate the square root term further: [(B + 3.49) / 1.69] - 4.45 = sqrt(s).
5. Square both sides of the equation to eliminate the square root: {[(B + 3.49) / 1.69] - 4.45}^2 = (sqrt(s))^2.
6. Simplify the right side of the equation: [(B + 3.49) / 1.69 - 4.45]^2 = s.
7. Evaluate the right side of the equation to find s: s = [(B + 3.49) / 1.69 - 4.45]^2.

Therefore, the value of s can be calculated using the equation: s = [(B + 3.49) / 1.69 - 4.45]^2.