Why does the cost of operating your website go up dramatically if customers do not have automated shipping tracking tools at their disposal? a)because customer will call and check to see if items are in stock, b) because customer will try to modify their orders, c) because customer will try to place additional orders, d )because customers will call your call center and increase your call volume

is D correct answer ?thank you

Yes, the correct answer is indeed option D) because customers will call your call center and increase your call volume. When customers do not have automated shipping tracking tools at their disposal, they may have concerns or questions about the status of their orders. This can lead to an influx of calls to the call center as customers seek updates on their shipments. Handling these extra calls requires additional resources and manpower, thereby increasing the cost of operating the website.

To arrive at this answer, you should consider the potential consequences of customers not having automated shipping tracking tools. In this case, option D correctly identifies the outcome that would result in increased operating costs. By analyzing the different possibilities and assessing the impact of each scenario, you can determine the correct answer.