in forming their government how many executives did rome decide to have: 1, 2, 3, or 4?

2 right??

No. Please read at least the first paragraph of the article I posted.

I did and the answer said incorrect.

Roman Triumvirates

Originally, triumviri were special commissions of three men appointed for specific administrative tasks apart from the regular duties of Roman magistrates. The triumviri capitales, for instance, oversaw prisons and executions, along with other functions that, as Andrew Lintott notes, show them to have been "a mixture of police superintendents and justices of the peace."[1] The capitales were first established around 290–287 BC.[2] They were supervised by the praetor urbanus. These triumviri, or the tresviri nocturni,[3] may also have taken some responsibility for fire control.[4]
Three-man commissions were also appointed for purposes such as establishing colonies (triumviri coloniae deducendae) or distributing land.[5] Triumviri mensarii served as public bankers;[6] the full range of their financial functions in 216 BC, when the commission included two men of consular rank, has been the subject of debate.[7] Another form of three-man commission was the tresviri epulones, who were in charge of organizing public feasts on holidays. This commission was created in 196 BC by a tribunician law on behalf of the people, and their number was later increased to seven (septemviri epulones).[8]

-- From the Wikipedia article linked above

oooooooooh, I will ask my world geography teacher....

Ms.Sue I can not accept that answer due to the fact that my teacher says :No Mr.Roddy where would you have heared such a thing? The internet. Most stuff on the internet is lies Mr.Roddy don't belive alot of it befour you ask someone smart enough to know. I said yes maam and went to my desk." So no you are incorrect. I'm not calling you a liar but I'm saying you have a big mistake.

I agree with Mr.Roddy you can't always relie on someone you meet on the internet why? because you just meet them on the web so you can never be sure always ask someone smart :)

Can someone just give the answer?

the answer is 2 ms.sue know it all just give the answer

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In forming their government, how many executives did Rome decide to have?