You work for a company that requires you to compute the average temperature for 8 A.M. to 6 P.PM. each day. You are to computer program to compute the average temperature.

use Util::List;

print "Enter hourly temperatures: ";
$_ = <STDIN>;
@t = split;
$avg = sum(@t)/@t;
add error checking if you wish, to watch for invalid format, or an empty list.

To compute the average temperature for a given time period, you will need a set of temperature measurements taken at regular intervals during that period. You can use these steps to create a computer program that computes the average temperature for 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. each day:

1. Define the time interval: In this case, the time interval is from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M., which is 10 hours.
2. Determine the frequency of temperature measurements: Decide how often you will take temperature measurements within the time interval. For example, you might choose to take measurements every hour or every half-hour.
3. Collect temperature measurements: Use sensors or manual means to collect temperature measurements at the chosen frequency. Store these measurements in a data structure like an array or a list.
4. Calculate the total temperature: Add up all the temperature measurements within the time interval.
5. Count the number of measurements: Determine the number of temperature measurements taken within the time interval.
6. Compute the average temperature: Divide the total temperature by the number of measurements to get the average temperature.
7. Output the average temperature: Display or store the calculated average temperature.

Here is a basic outline of a computer program that implements these steps in Python:

# Define the time interval
start_time = 8 # 8 A.M.
end_time = 18 # 6 P.M.

# Determine the frequency of measurements (e.g., every hour)
measurement_frequency = 1 # Every hour

# Initialize the variables
total_temperature = 0
num_measurements = 0

# Collect temperature measurements
for current_time in range(start_time, end_time):
# Simulate temperature measurement
measurement = get_temperature() # Replace this line with actual temperature measurement code
total_temperature += measurement
num_measurements += 1

# Compute the average temperature
average_temperature = total_temperature / num_measurements

# Output the average temperature
print("Average temperature from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.:", average_temperature)

Please note that this is a basic example that assumes a fixed measurement frequency and simplified temperature retrieval. You'll need to adapt the program to match the specifics of your temperature measurement system and data retrieval methods.