what is 14 across or the cell crossword puzzle. I had golgi bodies but it does not fit.

What is the clue? What letters do you have? How many letters are in the puzzle for this word?

Golgi Complex


To find the answer to 14 across or the clue in a crossword puzzle, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by examining the intersecting clues. Look for any vertical words that intersect with the 14-across clue. Crosswords are designed so that words intersect at specific letters, which can help you narrow down the possibilities for the missing letters.

2. Double-check the number of letters provided for 14 across. Make sure you counted correctly, as this will help you find the right answer.

3. If you've already filled in some of the letters for the word in question, try to come up with alternative possibilities for those letters. Consider synonyms or related terms that might fit better with the intersecting words.

4. If "golgi bodies" does not fit, it's possible that another word is the correct answer. Crosswords can sometimes have misdirecting clues or multiple possible answers. Consider the intersecting clues again and see if there may be another word that fits better.

5. If you're still unable to find the correct answer, you might want to consult a crossword dictionary or an online crossword-solving tool. These resources can provide lists of possible words that fit the given letters and intersecting clues.

Remember, solving a crossword puzzle often requires a combination of logical deduction, general knowledge, and wordplay skills. It can sometimes be challenging, so don't hesitate to seek additional help if needed.