What is three root 1/3 ? I'm not sure if that looks right in words, but I don't know how to post the square root symbol. If that doesn't make sense, then pretend that this sign: % is a square root:

3 %1/3

The 3 looks like it's a little above it. Please help me.
It's Radical Functions and Radical Exponents Ch.6, and I do not understand how to do this problem at all..

No problem! I can help you with that. The expression you provided, "3 % 1/3" represents the cube root of 1/3, where the cube root is denoted by the radical symbol (∛). So, the expression can be written as "∛(1/3)".

To calculate the cube root of 1/3, you can use a scientific calculator or follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the expression as a fraction. In this case, 1/3 stays the same.
Step 2: Express the fraction as a decimal. Dividing 1 by 3 gives you approximately 0.3333 (rounded to four decimal places).
Step 3: Find the cube root of the decimal value. Taking the cube root of approximately 0.3333 gives you approximately 0.6934 (rounded to four decimal places).

Therefore, 3 √(1/3) is approximately equal to 0.6934.

I hope this explanation helps! If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.