Annual profit in thousands of dollars is given by the function, P(x) = -.1x2 + 50x - 300, where x is the number of items sold, x ¡Ý 0.

find the profit for 5 different values of x

I am pretty sure you meant

P(x) = -.1x^2 + 50x - 300

e.g. x = 4
P(4) = -.1(4^2) + 50(4) - 300
= -1.6 + 200 - 300
= -101.6

Pick any other 4 values of x , and follow my steps

To find the profit for different values of x, we can simply substitute those values into the given function P(x) = -.1x^2 + 50x - 300.

Let's calculate the profit for 5 different values of x:

1. For x = 0:
P(0) = -.1(0)^2 + 50(0) - 300
= 0 - 0 - 300
= -300
Therefore, when no items are sold (x = 0), the profit is -300 thousand dollars.

2. For x = 1:
P(1) = -.1(1)^2 + 50(1) - 300
= -.1(1) + 50 - 300
= -0.1 + 50 - 300
= -0.1 + 50 - 300
= -250.1
Therefore, when 1 item is sold (x = 1), the profit is -250.1 thousand dollars.

3. For x = 5:
P(5) = -.1(5)^2 + 50(5) - 300
= -.1(25) + 250 - 300
= -2.5 + 250 - 300
= -52.5
Therefore, when 5 items are sold (x = 5), the profit is -52.5 thousand dollars.

4. For x = 10:
P(10) = -.1(10)^2 + 50(10) - 300
= -.1(100) + 500 - 300
= -10 + 500 - 300
= 190
Therefore, when 10 items are sold (x = 10), the profit is 190 thousand dollars.

5. For x = 15:
P(15) = -.1(15)^2 + 50(15) - 300
= -.1(225) + 750 - 300
= -22.5 + 750 - 300
= 427.5
Therefore, when 15 items are sold (x = 15), the profit is 427.5 thousand dollars.

So, for the given function P(x) = -.1x^2 + 50x - 300, the profit for 5 different values of x are:
- For x = 0: -300 thousand dollars
- For x = 1: -250.1 thousand dollars
- For x = 5: -52.5 thousand dollars
- For x = 10: 190 thousand dollars
- For x = 15: 427.5 thousand dollars