given what you know about periodicity , predict whether lithium sulphate is more or less soluble in water than sodium sulphate

To predict whether lithium sulfate (Li2SO4) is more or less soluble in water than sodium sulfate (Na2SO4), we need to consider their periodic trends and chemical properties.

Periodic trends indicate that as you move down a group (vertical column) in the periodic table, the solubility of ionic compounds generally increases. This is due to the increase in the size and polarizability of the ions.

Both lithium (Li) and sodium (Na) are in Group 1 of the periodic table, known as the alkali metals. However, lithium is located higher in the group than sodium. Based on periodicity, we can predict that lithium compounds, including lithium sulfate, tend to be less soluble in water compared to sodium compounds, including sodium sulfate.

The reasoning behind this prediction is that as you move down Group 1, the atomic size of the alkali metal cations increases. Larger cations experience weaker electrostatic attractions with the surrounding water molecules, making it harder for them to dissolve in water.

Therefore, based on periodicity and the general trend in solubility of alkali metal compounds, we can predict that sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) is more soluble in water than lithium sulfate (Li2SO4).