I have a question-I have to write the verb correctly for these two sentences Did I do them correctly?

1. nosotros/lavarnos
Nosotros nos lavamos.
2. yo/ponerme
Yo me pongo.

I'm not sure if SraJMcGin is still answering questions but I would appreciate her checking this if she still does

Thank you

I'll email her this post.

Thank you very much

If you were to use Reflexive Verbs (lavarse ponerse), you are absolutely correct!

These 2 verbs may be used Reflexively or not. Yo pongo el libro en la mesa. Mi hermano lava su coche.


Thank you

Great job! You have correctly written the verbs for both sentences.

To write the verb correctly, you need to use the reflexive form of the verb. Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence is performing the action on themselves.

In the first sentence, you have the pronoun "nosotros," which means "we." To form the reflexive verb "to wash ourselves," you take the verb "lavar" (to wash) and add the reflexive pronoun "nos." So, "nosotros/lavarnos" becomes "Nosotros nos lavamos," meaning "We wash ourselves."

In the second sentence, you have the pronoun "yo," which means "I." To form the reflexive verb "to put on myself," you take the verb "poner" (to put) and add the reflexive pronoun "me." So, "yo/ponerme" becomes "Yo me pongo," meaning "I put on myself."

Overall, great job on correctly conjugating the reflexive verbs! Keep up the good work!